Who Can Benefit From a Comprehensive Stool Analysis ?

Gut health is an essential aspect of every person's overall well-being. Everything you eat and drink enters the gut, allowing your stomach and intestines to digest and extract crucial calories, vitamins, and nutrients.

However, only some people's gut health is optimal, allowing them to digest food easily. Others are plagued with uncomfortable symptoms like chronic bloating and constipation.

Wouldn't it be great if you could figure out what's going on with your gut through a simple test? The GI-MAP® comprehensive stool analysis test does just that.

Ella Davar is an experienced gut health dietitian in Miami and New York. She provides various tools and treatments to ensure everyone who enters her care has access to optimal health. This includes the comprehensive stool test.

What is the GI-MAP comprehensive stool analysis test?

This cutting-edge tool can evaluate your gut's health without invasive procedures. It's as simple as sending a stool sample to a lab.

The GI-MAP test evaluates your stool for microorganisms in your gut, including good and bad bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It also provides information about:

  • Your overall immune function

  • Stress response related to the gut

  • The presence of pathogens like H. pylori and E. coli

  • How you absorb nutrients

  • How effectively do you digest food

  • The presence of gut inflammation

Your gut is a microbiome — it contains trillions of microorganisms that are crucial to your overall health and wellness. Issues with the microbiome can create problems with your health.

For example, an unhealthy gut not only causes stomach issues like cramping, bloating, and pain. It also may lead to issues like itchy skin, overwhelming fatigue, and mood swings.

How do I take the GI-MAP test?

The testing is designed to be very simple, and you can do it conveniently in your home. The test comes in the form of a kit you can get from Ella Davar RD or through the mail, and it contains all of the instructions to perform the test at home properly.

There's a sterile specimen cup located in the kit. The instructions walk you through collecting a stool sample in the cup and properly sending it to the lab.

You should have results within a few days to weeks. You can then make a follow-up appointment with Ella Davar RD to discuss the results.

Can I benefit from the GI-MAP stool test?

This advanced test provides priceless insights into your gut, allowing you to figure out what's causing uncomfortable symptoms. It can detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and pathogens that are preventing your gastrointestinal system from performing optimally.

Ella usually recommends the comprehensive stool analysis test if you have these problems or medical conditions:

  • Celiac disease

  • Crohn's disease

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Food poisoning

  • Gut infections

  • Constipation or diarrhea

  • Bloating and gas

  • Abdominal pain

  • Eczema or psoriasis

You may also benefit from the test if you suffer from depression and anxiety. Yes, your gut health affects your mental health!

Could you benefit from the comprehensive stool test? Schedule a Gut Health Evaluation online today to start your health optimization process.


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